CIPA Research Team
The Banneker walking school bus operates every Tuesday and Thursday before and after school.
Here’s how the walking school bus works:
There are 2 different routes: east and west. The routes are shown below and can be changed slightly to accommodate new student participants.
First pick up in the morning is at 8:15am and students arrive to school by 8:45am. Students who live along the route will be picked up during the walk to school, one at a time out front of their house.
The afterschool walks will start at 4:10pm when the walkers are dismissed from school, and the last student will be dropped off at home by 4:40pm. Students who live along the route will be dropped off during the walk home, one at a time out front of their house.
The walking school bus coordinator will communicate with you to determine a morning pick-up time so you and your child can be ready when we come by.
Parents are encouraged to join the walks.
West Route
The morning route will start at 8:15am at 68th and College Ave. Children/families who sign up for the walking school bus will be picked up in front of their house at an assigned time. The same route will be followed after school and each child will be dropped off at their house.
East Route
The morning route will start at 8:15am at 67th Terrace and Myrtle Ave. Children/families who sign up for the walking school bus will be picked up in front of their house at an assigned time. The same route will be followed after school and each child will be dropped off at their house.